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"Nexus Newspaper Strip" Ad
Rude Dude Productions
Editing, motion graphics and composed ambient music (not the action-y music)
"Canals Of Earth"

Martian Lit

Kickstarter video. Edited, animated, composed music and wrote the narration.

"Martian Comics"

Martian Lit

Kickstarter video. Edited, animated and composed the music.

Halloween Bumper

Mayfair Theater Orleans

Filmed and edited this bumper which would play in the lobby and before the feature at the Mayfair Theater Orleans.

Alexandra Interviews

Animated Alexandra in Flash, keyed out the live action footage, edited the inteview footage and created the 3D CG backgrounds.


Interview #2   (3:13)

Interview #3   (2:38)

Interview #4   (4:59)


Neal Adams Interview Part 1

Back before the company went under, I edited a bunch of video interviews with comics creators including Neal Adams, Michael Golden, Dave Dorman, and more!

You can watch the rest [here]. I did everything but the filming.


A short film I got to make on 35mm film a few years back. 2 mins.

Shop4Charity Breast Cancer Calendar Sweepstakes 2017

A nationwide commercial. Worked with my friend Donald on this for Instant Edge Marketing. There seems to be an error near the end. Not my doing.

The Interrogation Part II

A silly little vid I made with my son when he was little.

Hellbros "Feed it".

My friend Petr Maur directed this. I just dropped in the goofy lasers and stuff. Great song!

Climate Knowledge Brokers

CKB Manifesto (2017)

Climate Knowledge Brokers

Why Knowledge Brokering is Key (2017)

Britebuy (Short)

Shot version of the introduction to the Britebuy program/app. (2018)

"Bridge The Gap" (English version)

Short video made for ISED Canada (2018)

Channel Rando

Ramble-A-Thon: Digital Inking Edition

Me talking while inking a panel of Necropolitan 2.

Ramble-A-Thon: Draw Along Edition

Jim Lee is drawing Supergirl on his twitch channel. I sort-of draw along.

How To Do Flats For Comics

Like the title says.

Ramble-A-Thon: Apocalypse Now and the Subtle Art Of Fixing It In Post (Plus an Addendum.)

The second scene in Apocalypse Now has a secret, hidden by editing.

Longbox Roulette Vol.1

A simple little video where I pick a random comic from my longbox of mostly older and beaten up childhood comics.

Dr. Doom Addresses Lateveria

A little fun.

"In The Beltaine" Ian Tamblyn

Music video I helped do the animation for with director Petr Maur.

"Let Me Be" - Dystoh

I edited this music video directed by Petr Maur.

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