Besides colouring my own work (Company 666, Alexandra Forever) I have been working with comics legend Steve Rude colouring the Nexus Newspaper Strip since January, 2016. You can pick up the paper on Steve's website, www.steverude.com or digitally on Comixology (although the physical paper is 17"x22"). Word on the street is Dark Horse will be collecting these papers into an overfsized book so stay tuned, there's quite a few pages that never got to see print during the original run! Colouring for Nexus is very different for most comics. Steve likes the linework to "carry the weight", so only the occasional rendering is required. Movement and emotion and readability are all important! Much thought and time goes into every page in order to get the colours, values and contrasts just right.

Click to go to the Nexus Newspaper page at Steve's website!
I also helped Steve Dude-i-fy the colouring in DC's FutureQuest Presents: Birdman (5,6,7). My first Big-Two work and comp copies! The original colorist did a great job, but Steve is very particular in how he likes his work to look. I did not work on the first cover, but I did on the other two.

I've also done a little colouring for Ronn Sutton on some sample strips for some Edgar Rice Burroughs properties, trying to drum up some interest as Ronn would love to do some work with those characters. Like Steve Ron isn'ta big fan of over-rendering in the colours.
UPDATE: Ronn got the gig and went on to ERB's "The Man Eater" and "Carson Of Venus"!
Every now and then, an artist allows their work to be a part of #Coloristjam, where anyone who wants to colour a piece of art does so and shares it with the rest of the participants using the hashtag #coloristjam.

Art by Brent Schoonover

Art by Bryan Hitch

Art by Amy Reeder

Art by Gary Frank

Art by Leila del Duca

Art by Matthew Dow Smith

Sometimes when I see some nice art and I have the time, I do a little colouring for fun. Sort of like the colourist jam, but sans jam.
Art by Mike Mignola
Coloured 3 pages of issue 1 and 3 pages of issue 2 for pitching purposes. Zip-Tone effects and lettering throughout for both issues as well. Coloured the cover to issue #2 and a pin-up too. Graphic design for the interior front covers.
TAKE 2 - Aces Weekly - Written by Jack Briglio
THE NEW NORMAL 1 and 2 - Aces Weekly - Written By Jack Briglio
MUSE'S MOTEL - Dominic Bercier and Jack Briglio
New for June 2019: Steve "The Dude" Rude has brought me along on some work that he's doing for Marvel and DC. A page for Marvel 1000, 14 pages for Marvel #1, and a cover for one of the trades in the giant DC CRISIS box set!

Starting way back as a kid I started lettering my own comics out of necessity. I even made a slightly effective font in the 90's to help!
I've since lettered quite a few comics for both Martian Lit and Hocus Pocus Comics. Working on the Nexus Newspaper, I've also created a font sampling from Steve Rude's hand lettering on that project as it's faster to make dialogue edits using a font than sampling letters one at a time from his pages!